Top 8 Tips for Writing the Best Readable ReactJS Code

Aditya Modi
5 min readApr 23, 2021

The scenario with code reviewing is that the developers mostly think of the possible error situations that can happen. Not much time is spent to review every line of code and understand it. So here are some doable points that can be used as a checklist for better code writing and faster understanding while doing code reviews every time.

Before that, let’s see about ReactJS in brief. ReactJS is an open-source Javascript framework. It was built and maintained by the social media monarch, Facebook. It is used by ReactJS developers to build remarkable user interfaces, especially for SPAs Single-Page Applications. Many organizations had favored Reactjs application development from the time when it was launched.

ReactJS Development

The reason for ReactJS’s preference and popularity are as a consequence of its plentiful benefits like,

  • Less Coding lines
  • Builds Attractive UI
  • Creates Native App using React Native
  • Rendering Performance
  • Single Components Usage

In addition, ReactJS meets both the custom-made and the dynamic project requirements using high-end technologies. Some of its key features include high performance, simplicity of usage, easy to learn, SEO-friendly, and strong community support.

Although we’ll be discussing the possible code writing for ReactJS development here, some are applicable for JavaScript libraries.

1: Define a particular name to your component with displayName

The displayName string is suggested to be applied in coding as it is mainly useful in debugging messages. Usually, when a component is debugged using ReactJS developer tools, there will be the presence of components. It is concluded from the function name or the class that is defining the component.

However, in case there is a situation where there are two components with the same name button, dropdown, and the like, then the components need to be renamed. Otherwise, it won’t be easy to differentiate among them.

Such cases can be solved by using the displayName to rename any one of the components. It is very convenient when it comes to debugging, and it should not be disregarded.

2: Define all the props in components using prop-types

The prop-types are type checkers used for React props and other related objects during runtime. It helps to check whether the required prop type is passing into the component or not. If the specific prop type is not passed into the component, then warnings sign stating failed prop type: Invalid prop, will be displayed in the browser console.

With this warning message, it is distinctly clear that the proper prop type is not being passed to the component. Also, it will give the prop message expected, which may be a different type of array.

3: linter can make code review a lot easier

Using a linter on your codebase helps to produce uniform code throughout the ReactJS application development. Even when the codes are developed by various developers and finally consolidated, it will look similar. For example, when all developers are required to use semicolon at the end of every code line, one can use linters to show an error or a warning depending upon the preferred settings.

The linter most developers use is ESLint, but one can select any linter that best meets the requirements. Linters can ensure that the entire code remains consistent, and all developers follow the set rules.

4: Review code before creating a pull request

The limit on time pushes the developers to make changes and create a pull request hurriedly. It is the same when one is fixing a bug or building a new feature. The crucial problem while doing that is that the developers’ self-made changes are not adequately reviewed. It may result in skipping certain places which can be made even better.

It is best to review self-made changes and analyze if it can be even more polished when it comes to performance and improvisations. It also improves your coding ability.

Thinking and visualizing how the code has to be before writing it is a great way to start. It is essential to view your first draft of code and scrutinize if all features are included. One can also try a TDD Test Driven Development. A TDD approach is excellent for making the first iteration best.

5: Simplify the codes

Large functions can be simplified into many smaller functions. It makes the code more cleaner, reusable, and much more accessible while testing. Multiple utility files can be created to eliminate the duplicate code from several files. When the codes are segregated in such a way that every small file contains a single logic, it makes it easier for the reviewer. Some of the benefits are:

it eliminates the possibilities for several duplicated lines of code.

These lines can be used to develop a utility file and to reuse them across other files.

It makes reviewing small files less hard than big files.

6: Always write tests for your code

Writing tests for the codes is essential. Because the common problem is that whenever a feature is built, one might be of the notion that it will work. But there are scenarios that they do and don’t function. So, to avoid such happenings, running tests can help to detect such cases.

Writing tests are time-consuming, and when one is on a deadline, it’s typical to skip it. But, it is beneficial to eliminate latent bugs that may come up in the future. If one wants to deliver quality output, this step should never be neglected.

7: Naming files properly is crucial

ReactJS Developers need to watch out while naming the files according to the task that is carried out because,

  • It makes understanding the contents of the file easier
  • It helps to recognize the files even when opened in the future
  • the name of the file must help other developers to understand the purpose of the file

Providing names that best defines its specific function or the purpose that the code is intended to do can be beneficial.

8: Avoid overdoing error handling

React 16 has a better way of handling errors by using a particular feature known as the Error Boundaries. These error boundaries are basically React components that latch to the JavaScript errors that are present anywhere in the child component tree. It then logs the errors and shows a fallback UI as an alternative to the crashed component tree. If the fallback UI logic is present in the ErrorBoundary component that is used, then the component within the ErrorBoundary component can be encapsulated.

<ErrorBoundary> <Component /> </ErrorBoundary>

It is an apt way to portray a fallback UI for the errors that occurred. But it is not necessary to cover the entire components inside an ErrorBoundary component. You can use it in certain places where it is required the most.

When migrating to React 16 and using ErrorBoundary, one may discover the real crashes that had never been before noticed in the application. It enhances the user experience by ensuring the interactivity of the remaining parts function even when one part of the UI crashes. JS error reporting can help to manage exceptions and fix them.

Thus, if you make sure that the points as mentioned above are covered during ReactJS application development, you can enhance the code writing and improve readability.

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Aditya Modi

Aditya is the Founder and CEO of TOPS Infosolutions — an IT Outsourcing and Software development company